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A Haunted Galena Tour Company

Haunted Galena

Galena Guide recently sat down with the businesses founders, Robyn Davis and Ted Williams to find out more about their 90 minute interactive ghost tours.

GG: Can you please share with us a little bit about yourselves and your new business?

THGTC: “The Haunted Galena Tour Company is a collaboration between us (Robyn and Ted.) Ted helped develop and deliver Galena’s first commercial walking ghost tour over 15 years ago. Robyn has led walking ghost tours in and around Galena. Both have extensive experience in theater, performing arts and business, The Haunted Galena Tour Company was founded with a focus on traditional storytelling. Through intimate and immersive storytelling, our ancestor’s come alive, our pulse quickens and our imagination is stimulated. These stories share the narrative of days gone by, often with priceless wisdom. We think it is time to get back to our roots, and celebrate the stories of our collective experience with our Haunted Galena Ghost Walk: Legends & Lore.”

GG: How long have you been interested in ghost tours, and why?

Robyn: “For as long as I can remember both Ted and I have had a fascination with ghosts.  That combined with out love of history and interest in the paranormal makes ghost tours a perfect fit for us! We love the performing arts and have a passion for local history, folklore, storytelling and specifically the art of delivering a ghost story. Sharing these tales in a setting as romantic and haunting as Galena is a dream come true for the both of us, and we hope to impart this magical and captivating feeling to every one of our guests.”

“I have always loved history, especially women’s history and the history of folklore. I have a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. I am especially interested in the darker side of history, the psychopathology of murder and mayhem. Ted, who is a writer, has studied history and been published in journals on esoteric mysteries. Ted, also has extensive experience in developing and leading tours, having helped start Galena’s first commercial walking ghost tour. He then went on to create Galena’s first haunted trolley tour, Galena’s first distillery tour, and even a Masonic lodge tour. Over the years, many visitors to Galena have enjoyed one or more of Ted’s tours and we are excited to welcome them once again to The Haunted Galena Tour Company.”

GG: What types of things can visitors expect to see and learn?

Ted: “Guests will be guided around downtown Galena and hear ghostly tales from the area while actually viewing many of the buildings where these hauntings allegedly occur. We start at Big Bill’s Sandwich & Coffee Shop, and end at the DeSoto House Hotel, both of which have experienced hauntings. Costumed guides will set the mood, and our candle lantern will lead the way through this 90 minute walking tour.” Our tales come from Galena-folklore tales passed down for generations, from historic events recorded in the newspapers and books of the day, and from first person accounts of contemporary hauntings. Guests will learn many facts about old Galena, burial related customs and traditions, tales of murder and mayhem, and of course fascinating tales about Galena’s ghostly inhabitants!”

“This is not a ghost hunting tour! There are no devices or dousing rods. Instead, this is a tour where guests will learn the back stories of those who haunt our city to this day; stories that will transcend them in time. And our device, it’s a camera and guests will be encouraged to take many pictures!”

GG: Have you ever experienced a haunting or ghostly encounter?

Robyn: “I saw my first ghost, in central Wisconsin, when I was 17 years old. It was a little boy from the 19th century crawling out of the upstairs window of an old farmhouse that was being demolished. I would say he was between 10-12 years old. Recently an area medium told me that there was a spirit in my current home watching over me and protecting me. She described the previous owner of my home perfectly, including the age at which he died, how he died, his not so nice personality and that he was a potter. There was no way she could have known this as she had no information about my house or its previous owner.”

Ted: “The first ghost I saw was in Iowa city when I was in college. I woke up and saw a woman looking out the bedroom window where I slept. I yelled at her, and she just vanished. Since then I feel them more than I see them. Turner Hall in Galena has a ghost,…been close to him.”  A few of our ghostly encounters are woven into our tales. We don’t point out these encounters or brag about our sensitivities, but our ghostly experiences are definitely and discretely intertwined in our tales. So are the stories of many friends and visitors who so generously shared their encounters with us! By the way, our website has a way to upload photos and stories of haunted gust experiences in Galena! We welcome your contributions and photos! Email them to We will ask your permission and get signed releases before publishing on our website.”

GG: Why do you think that Galena experiences so may hauntings?

Robyn: “Galena has always been a very special place. We like to think the motives of ghosts are the same as those of the living. Many have come here, fallen in love with Galena, pulled up stakes, and made Galena their home. Our beautiful city- no one can bear to leave. Instead, the ghosts of Galena remain and walk with us here today. It is their home too.”

Thank-you, for taking the time to share with us a little bit about your new business, we wish you great success! To see dates and times for the upcoming ghost tours by The Haunted Galena Tour Company, or a full list of events, visit

To purchase tickets visit  or call 815-990-7203

Tickets are $18.00

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